Federal Focus, Inc.

Things to Watch on FedFocus.org

Federal Focus Publishes Draft Executive Order on Regulation of Agricultural Biotechnology Products
Federal Focus recently completed a draft Executive Order on regulation of agricultural biotechnology products. The Executive Order, which has been widely circulated, incorporates many of the comments Federal Focus has received on its agri-biotechnology White Paper published earlier this year. The draft includes with specific recommendations for improving transparency in agency decision making and bolstering public confidence in the regulatory process.

We believe that the proposed Executive Order and the symposium are both very timely, especially in light of the Clinton Administration’s announcement of a new initiative on agri-biotech regulation. Federal Focus would welcome comments on its draft Executive Order.

American Association for the Advancement of Science-Federal Focus Symposium on Data Access
The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and Federal Focus jointly sponsored a symposium on Data Access, and with approximately 175 audience members including press in attendance, the symposium engendered lively debate on the Data Access topic.

Publication of Critical Review of the "London Principles" for Use of Epidemiologic Data in Cancer Risk Assessments
Federal Focus has published recommendations for revisions in the London Principles developed by a six-member expert panel. The principles apply both to evaluating individual studies and a body of studies (meta-analysis). In addition, principles and a list of questions were added for evaluating the accuracy and completeness of risk assessments incorporating epidemiologic data. The review and recommendations were derived from experience in applying the London Principles to a selection of study reports on the possible relationship between induced abortion and breast cancer. Federal Focus is making the full text of the report (63 pages) available online here, and is also providing a discussion forum ("roundtables") here for submission and exchange of comments on the recommendations and any next steps. Bound copies of the report are available from Federal Focus at low cost.

Ed-Mentor Program
The Federal Focus Ed-Mentor Program aims to act as a facilitator to assemble the best minds in the Internet Mentoring industry through organization of conferences on that topic. These conferences will provide the information and communications tools needed to make a difference in the lives of young people. The First Annual Federal Focus Ed-Mentor Symposium on Telementoring was held September 27, 1999 in Washington, DC.


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Administrative Process Institute

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London Principles

   for Epidemiology

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