This discussion forum on the "London Principles" (1996) and the revisions recommended by the Denver panel in Epidemiology in Hazard and Risk Assessment (1999), along with the recommendations for risk assessment principles and questions, is divided into "roundtables" that track the contents of the 1999 report. (For example, the "Discussion Summary" roundtable is on the "Discussion Summary" portion of the 1999 report.) The full 1999 report can be accessed from "Home", or bound copies of it and the full London report can be ordered from Federal Focus using the ordering form.
The rules for the forum are simple: It is expected that comments will be substantive and constructive in the best spirit of professionalism. Any derogatory, off-topic (OT) or otherwise inappropriate comment messages will be deleted, and persons submitting such material may be barred from further submissions.
Enter Discussion Forum Roundtables
Discussion Summary (pp. 10-35)
Cause-Effect Principles and Questions 1-6 (pp. 36-46)
Meta-Analysis Principles (pp. 46-50)
Risk Assessment Principles and Questions (pp 51-58)
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