Federal Focus activities have been supported by grants, contributions, or cooperative arrangements with federal, state, and local agencies, academic, research, and consulting institutions, and business entities (from sectors such as manufacturing, energy, food production, and communications) as well as many individuals. Most grants and contributions are general--i.e., not for a specific entity or project -- with the exception of those with government agencies. Additionally, Federal Focus has obtained revenues from seminar fees and sales of publications and musical recordings.
Entities from which Federal Focus has received grants or contributions, or with which it has engaged in cooperative arrangements, have included the following:
American Cement Alliance
American Farm Bureau Federation
American Iron and Steel Institute
American Paper Institute
Arkansas State Society
Beer Institute
Dr. Eric Bovet
Business Council on the Reduction of Paperwork
Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association
Chemical Manufacturers Association
Ciba-Geigy Corp.
Citizens for a Sound Economy
Communication Systems Development, Inc.
District of Columbia Commission for the Arts
Edison Electric Institute
Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany
Ford Motor Co.
Friends of Annapolis Symphony Orchestra
Friends of the U.S. National Arboretum
Gibson Associates
Government of the District of Columbia
Health and Environmental Sciences
Group, Inc.
Kentucky Society of Washington
Landon School
Marriott International, Inc.
Multinational Business Services, Inc.
National Chamber Foundation
National Electrical Manufacturers Association
National Endowment for the Arts
National Paint and Coatings Association
Oracle Corp.
Owens-Corning Fiberglass Corp.
PCS Prime Co., LP
Peter Tare, Inc.
Philip Morris
Photo Marketing Associates International
PSI Energy
Richard Bray Orchestras
Sacramento Traditional Jazz Society
Schuller International, Inc.
Scientific Advisory Group on Cellular
Telephone Research
Society of the Plastics Industry, Inc.
Solar Energy Research Institute
U.S. Department of Commerce
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
U.S. General Services Administration
U.S. Office of Personnel Management
USA Today
Wireless Technology Research, L.L.C.
In line with its mission of providing objective and impartial information and analysis on government policy, science policy, and scientific issues, Federal Focus follows an internal policy of attempting to insulate principal staff and Science Panel members from specific information concerning funding sources other than government grants. It is also the foundation's policy not to accept grants or contributions under conditions that would allow the grantor/contributor to control to any extent the results of the work conducted by Federal Focus or withhold findings or views from publication.
Conversely, so long as an entity offering funding is willing to do so without such conditions, and so long as the Federal Focus believes that work that might be supported with such funding would be in the public interest and consistent with its missions, the foundation believes it is not appropriate to reject funding simply on the basis that the work or the funding entity might be controversial or distasteful to some. This policy has been extended in some cases to breaking off discussions concerning possible funding when the foundation has perceived that an organization is interested mainly in having the foundation support a preconceived position or perspective.