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From: XaDpvQHZ
Affiliation: yrpJLKGMGpJp
Email: info@protector-24.eu
Date: November 03, 2012
Time: 06:54 AM
I like the idea of this debate execpt that it seems to imply that these are rival viewpoints. I define myself as a fundamentally radical liberal conservative politically; by this I mean that at my foundation (fundament) I get to the root (radical) of any movement, law, idea, happening, etc., and then give or change as freely (liberally) as needed or possible or wise while at the same time keeping (conserving) whatever is good and not wasting time, energy, or people in any cause. This is my political (how to live in the city) religion (rule, standard by which to live) as well as my duty as a civilian (member of my city, township, county, state, and country, as well as world and church). Live free or die is a great motto, as long as we remember that true freedom comes in fully giving ourselves back to the one who could take us anytime; For me, to live is Christ and to die is gain For Christ is in God reconciling all to Himself.. The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof Test everything, hold on to the good For now we see/know in part, but the we shall see/know fully, even as we are fully seen/known!