Meta-Analysis Principles Roundtable

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Meta-Analysis Principles

From: mLjrmyuHBeGacbZzqv
Affiliation: tIogiRiElVrYuZPCy
Date: October 05, 2012
Time: 06:53 AM


foxlemke, To date, no one has come close to doing so.For any of these discussions to be ffuitrul, one has to be reasonable and honest. There has been MANY who have written very comprehensive rebuttals and refutations of the Trinity. You may not agree with them, but that is totally different from saying, they haven't come close.' Some of the best NT scholars such as Dunn, Robinson, Berkhof, Schooneveld, Flesseman, Kuschel, etc. have rejected the Trinity and have done so in ground-breaking theses. It's therefore good to maintain reasonability in estimation while still maintaining one's zeal.But that doesn’t mean that my understanding can’t be challenged, and it doesn’t mean that I’ve chosen to arbitrarily ignore all voices of dissent.This is a very commendable approach, even though it might not necessarily change your mind on this. Thank you,

Last changed: October 05, 2012